Arko-Iris Vakantieplan 2020 Photo Gallery

Vacation! Great activities at Arko- Iris. Team building. Goals to reach. Winning teams. Having fun together.

14 july 2020

At Arko- Iris we value the creative development of children.

We encourage them to express themself.

When you display your child's artwork, you're showing your child support. This is a great way to boost confidence and self-esteem. Your child can walk into your home or office and know that he or she has your support, and they'll feel a sense of pride in knowing that their artworks adorns your space.

“Teachers have important roles in


Thoughtfully displaying children's art products and other work is important for a number of reasons. First, displays surround children with beauty that they have created.

15 july 2020

Lots of natural stima. While enjoying us, we are developing motoriko groff, sentidonan; fula, hole, tende to smak dor di purba tamarein, apeldam, shimaruku.

Huntu us top!

16 July 2020

Mens erger je niet, Dam, base- ball, trefbal, voetbal

17 july 2020

Bezoek aan Hòfi San Miguel Arcangel nabij Gr. Piscadera

Ieder kind heeft geplant. Zie hun bananenplant!

Het kindercentrum heeft een 'straat' toegekend gekregen.

De Kaya Arko- Iris, waar de bananenboompjes te zien zijn.

Hartelijk dank aan de heer Shanley Pietersz voor de educatieve ochtend.

20 july 2020

We teach our pupils to take care of & to enjoy our nature. Curaçao is becoming green again.

Nos paseo den 'mondi' pa landhuis na Wechi. Wer tabatá fresku despues di yobida di awaseru.

Kòrsou ta bira bèrdè atrobe.

21 july 2020